When Services Fail: IFB, Strawberryj.am, Right Inbox and Tout App

When Services Fail: IFB, Strawberryj.am, Right Inbox and Tout App

It's always annoying when online services fail.

It's also inevitable. I can accept that, in theory. Of course, in practice keeping it cool is a whole other story.

I could speak in the abstract, keep my head down, and wait it out - or I could list a couple of services from my own experience…


4 Reasons Not to Use In-Ear Buds

There's really only 1: Ear infection. But what the hell...

1. Special implements to clean out your gunk.

2. Sweat build-up when running. This causes an underwater gurgled sound. Great if you're a diving fan, I guess.

3. Fall-out. As in, they do - constantly.

4. Infection. Shoving those suckers in and out damages the thin layer of skin in the ear canal.

Built-up sweat + remnant gunk + damaged skin = ache + pain

Believe me: I speak from experience. Weekly ear infections are not normal for ages 3 months and up.

Posted via email from The Tech Buffet